The library of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Atyrau is designed to provide information and library support for the process of education and upbringing, focusing on innovations in this area, this makes us strive to change the composition of library collections, largely determines modern approaches to recruitment, forces us to look for new methods of work.
The main objectives of the Library are:
Providing the educational process with educational resources, full-scale coverage of library and information and bibliographic services for students and teachers;
Formation of students' skills of an independent library and information user;
Creating conditions for the development of research and independent work skills;
Improvement of traditional and development of new library technologies;
Provision of library resources, acquisition and technical equipment of the library;
The total book fund as of June 10, 2021 is 29796explicates of books, of which: 10500 copies in Kazakh, 10200 in Russian and 9096 copies in English. The bulk of the literature comes to the library from Kazakh, Russian and foreign publishers, such as Macmillan, Oxford, Cambridge, Express Publisher, Longman, etc.
The fund of the school library is formed in accordance with educational programs. When completing the fund with literature, the age-diverse composition of library users, information and educational needs of schoolchildren and teachers are taken into account, therefore, the acquisition is carried out jointly with the heads of the Ministry of Defense. As the library received, it received, systematized, and processed new receipts, and recorded them in the KABIS electronic catalog.