Students of the 11'th grade of Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Atyrau Abylay Amangeldіұly, Rizabek Utegenov and Sagyngali Aibar took 2nd place at the international competition INFOMATRIX-ASIA!

INFOMATRIX is an international competition of computer projects, caused by the desire to unite the best IT students in the world. The competition contributes not only to the development of professional skills, but also to the development of intercultural relations and cooperation with the involvement of students and teachers from different countries.

The competition has been held by Suleiman Demirel University (SDU) since 2013. This time, the participants gathered in Kaskelen, Almaty region.

The competition provides students with many opportunities to receive high preferences when entering the best universities in the world and Kazakhstan. Atyrau schoolchildren showing excellent results entered the top three.