The best way to make children good is to make them happy! And happiness is when you are understood .... Gifted children study at our school, and not every adult can find the "keys" to his soul.
Both teachers and parents often face questions: "How to work with such a child who has extraordinary abilities", "How to educate him, taking into account personal qualities", "How to make him grow up happy, full of vital energy, balanced in his soul"? This can be realized by creating a favorable educational environment at school, in the family, in society. Psychological service plays a big role here. It is psychologists who pay great attention to creating a favorable climate at school, psychological support of the educational process.
To this end , the work of psychologists of the Intellectual School can be divided into the following main groups:
- Psychological diagnostics:
• make a psychological portrait of the student;
• to identify his inclinations, abilities;
• to assist teachers in an individual approach to each student.
- Psychological education and psychological prevention:
• meet the needs of teachers, parents, and students in psychological knowledge;
• prevent negative manifestations in the psyche and behavior of students.
- Psychological correction:
formation of personality and preservation of individuality of students;
• providing assistance to the teaching staff in individualizing the education and training of students, in the development of their abilities and inclinations.
- Advisory assistance:
• advising students and parents (legal representatives) on development, education and upbringing;
• assistance in self-determination, adaptation and socialization of the individual.
The psychological service of the school implements a number of programs aimed at improving the well-being and well-being of students
The program of prevention of destructive behavior of adolescents at school
The program "Strong family" for parents and children aged 10-14 years